Burns Night - 2 February 2019

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Our hosts: Chris and Angelika McLarren

Andrea reading the Selkirk Grace

Serving the cock-a-leekie soup

Piping and carrying in the Haggis

Chris McLarren: “Address to the Haggis”.

Grant Wallace, our piper. Click here for Grant's YouTube video available music

Serving up the Haggis. Haggis recipe: page1, page2

Filling our plates with Haggis

Gallery of our guests. Click small image for larger photo.

Alexandra presenting a tribute to Robert Burns

Alan and Silke presenting the “Toast to the Lassies” and the “Lassie's Reply”. Click here for Alan's YouTube video available video

Music by Susann

Time for Scottish Dancing!

The Grassmarket Reel

Highland dancing presented by Mairi

Good-bye; 'til we meet again!